The Austrian Way
The Austrian Way Podcast
03 - Annual Event: Long Night of the Churches

03 - Annual Event: Long Night of the Churches

Once a year Christian Churches in Vienna and throughout Austria open their doors to visitors for the ‘Long Night of the Churches’. People who are interested in architecture and music find this annual festvial not only as a religious but also a cultural highlight. What makes this ‘Long Night’ so special? Check this episode to find out more.

Official Website ‘Lange Nacht der Kirchen’

Some Churches to visit during the ‘Long Night of the Churches’:

Stephansdom (St. Steven’s Cathedral)
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- Link on Google maps

Wiener Hofburgkapelle
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- Link for the program
- Link on Google maps

- Link for the program
- Link on Google maps

The Austrian Way
The Austrian Way Podcast
Are you planning a trip to Austria? Or are you a foreigner who lives in Austria who would like to connect on a deeper level with the country? THE AUSTRIAN WAY is a Podcast where we explore sights, culture and lifestyle, history, gastronomy and everything it takes for you to have an exciting and meaningful time in Austria. Make sure to subscribe so you won't miss an episode. Welcome to the heart of Europe. Grüß Gott and Servus!